Three Natural Cleaners
There are plenty ways to clean with food and drinks. These are natural cleaning products that are safe and effective around the house.

- Lemon is a natural scale remover of lime around faucets. Rub the juice of a lemon around the faucet where limescale has built up then rinse with warm water.
- Sea Salt poured down your kitchen sink drain and you will help prevent a build up of grease in the drain and you will get rid of those nasty smells. It will work in the dishwasher too. Just be sure to clean the strainer in the dishwasher or the relief won’t last long.
- Use distilled white vinegar to clean windows and deodorize kitchen surfaces. A 50-50 mix of water and vinegar is great for cleaning windows. A mix of 1 part vinegar and three parts water is a great way to clean your microwave. Just put the mixture in and boil the solution until the window steams. Then wipe away the stuck-on food.
I have more of these natural cleaners next month.