Maintaining Your Wardrobe
Since you have nice clothes, you need to care for them the right way. Here are some ideas to help extend the life of your wardrobe.

Clean Clothes Last Longer
I realize you may think this is a self-serving statement for us, but it’s true. If you clean your clothes regularly after wearing, they will look fresh and keep that look longer. Ground in dirt and soil act as abrasives and will damage the fibers. Stains that are not promptly removed will set with age. So you can help your clothes last longer and look fresher by cleaning them sooner. If you need help getting to your dry cleaner on a regular basis, use our FREE pickup and delivery service. Read more here.
Making Up with Your Clothes
Maybe a better phrase would be to apply makeup while NOT wearing your clothes … I mean while not wearing your GOOD clothes. The same for hair spray – and your good smelling accents.
Keep ‘Em Together
Matching items need to be cleaned together. This includes clothes as well as household items like comforters and pillow shams. Sometimes dyes fade when cleaned. This can lead to color variances when your matching pieces are not cleaned together.
Spills Happen
Don’t let spills become a stain. Act quickly by blotting the spill or gently scraping the excess – never rub since rubbing could damage the fibers. Then treat the spill appropriately yourself – or get it to us ASAP. See our April 2022 newsletter for “The Secret to Stain Removal.”
Don’t Forget
Don’t skimp on cleaning those less often worn clothes like your evening wear, prom dresses, and wedding gowns. If these items are sitting in your closet, deal with them soon after wearing.
Put ‘Em Away Clean
Changing seasons means working out of the other side of the closet. Before your change out your wardrobe, take care of last season’s pieces. They will love you (and your will love them) when seasons change again.
Dim the Lights!
Did you know bright light can cause discoloration in your clothes? Did you know that light can damage fibers? It’s true. The solution is to reduce exposure to direct sunlight and artificial light. Another bit of advice is to save the paper garment covers we give to you with each order of cleaning and place over your best pieces, especially those pieces that are worn less often. This will protect the garment from ceiling light.
Hems, Seams, and Zippers
We will repair a loose hem or seam for no additional charge when you clean with us.
Need a zipper replaced? We can do that for you although we charge for that.
Ask Us
If you have any problems with your clothes (not your relationships, names for your first child, or why your biscuits didn’t rise), PLEASE ask us. We love to help you and solve problems affecting your clothes. The more information you provide us, the more help we can be to you. That’s why we ask if you have any stains when dropping off your clothes.